Why bother doing the Mosaics and Monthly Profilers?

We know you want more surveys and we try our best to send you as many as we can, based on what we know about you. When you signed up to become a member, you completed the first profiling survey with your basic demographic details (age, gender, date of birth, etc.). This was great to get you started!

We have clients who want to know more specific information about our community members so they can send you more relevant surveys. The way we provide that is by asking you directly via the Mosaic surveys and Monthly Profilers (Health, Travel/Technology, Media, etc.).

If you don't complete these on a monthly basis, you lose out on receiving more paid surveys in the future. You would be missing out on some great survey opportunities!

And because we know your time is valuable, we set up a draw with the Monthly Profilers for a chance to win one of 10 prizes of $100 each month!

Looking forward to hearing more about you!

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